Isaac is not just our name, it's what we do


Insurance is a contract between a person (or a business) and an insurance company to help protect one and/or one's loved ones from financial loss due to an unexpected event, like an accident, illness, natural disaster, or other unexpected circumstances. At Isaac, we can discuss all insurance products as it relates to your financial life. We directly offer the following insurance types: Life, Health, Disability and Long Term Care. We can refer to our partners for Property & Casualty Insurance (Auto, Home, Umbrella, etc.), as desired.


A security is simply a tradable financial asset. Among the most common examples of securities are stocks, bonds, ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds), and Mutual Funds. Typically, securities are marketable, meaning they can be bought and sold with relative ease on an open market. Securities are the bread and butter of any investment portfolio. Isaac works with its clients to build, grow and maintain investment accounts that meet the needs of each client based on their personal circumstances.


Alternative Investments (AI as they are known), are lesser traded and traditionally less liquid financial assets. Alternatives include things like Hedge Funds, Private Equity, Private Debt and Real Estate. In order to invest in Alternatives, one must typically be an accredited investor (someone with greater financial resources and financial acumen). In general, Alternative Investments are exactly as they sound, not the usual investments held in an investment portfolio. They are typically a smaller slice of the pie for investors who own them and require a longer holding period than most typical investments. However, what they bring to a portfolio is differentiated exposure, and in some cases greater income potential, by way of assets not typically accessible to the general public.


Advice is at the core of what we do at Isaac. When push comes to shove, sometimes the most important part of engaging with us is our advice and guidance. Whether it be planning your ultimate retirement, education planning, estate planning, tax planning, or something else -- we like to tell our clients that if a topic is related to a dollar sign, we can discuss it. Bring up anything and we likely can make more sense of it for you. And if for some reason we don't have the expertise about a specific topic, we typically know someone who can help. A client should truly feel that nothing is off limits for conversation - we pride ourselves in having a broad understanding of how things work in the financial world.


At Isaac, we help small business owners with a variety of topics related to their finances. Whether it be budgeting and expense management, analyzing cashflow and profitability,  providing benefits like a 401k or a group insurance policy, discussing how to protect a key person or ownership in the face of disability or death, or really anything else related to the business side of a things, we can help. We work closely with CPAs and other advisors that add even more to our offering.

Partner Services Offered


  • Mortgages
  • HELOCs
Mortgages, HELOCs, HEA/HEI

Estate Document Preparation

  • Wills
  • Trusts
  • Power of Attorney
  • Healthcare Proxies
Mortgages, HELOCs, HEA/HEI

Tax Return Preparation

  • Individual Tax Returns
  • Business Tax Returns
  • Bookkeeping
Mortgages, HELOCs, HEA/HEI


  • Auto
  • Home
  • Umbrella
  • Business
Mortgages, HELOCs, HEA/HEI

ID Theft Protection

  • Fraud Monitoring
  • ID Theft Insurance
Mortgages, HELOCs, HEA/HEI

Some of our partners offer their services at a discounted rate, while other services are partially or fully covered by Isaac Financial, as part of our overall relationship. At Isaac, our goal is to create a family office style operation where you can do most, or even all, of your financial business. Ultimately, we want our clients to feel well taken care of, as well as, rewarded for doing more business with us.

Fiduciary Standard

A fiduciary is a person or organization that makes financial decisions on behalf of another party, who is legally obligated to act in their client's best interests. Whether or not acting as a fiduciary is required by the CFP® Board, the SEC or another regulatory authority, we will always uphold this level of care for our clients. At the end of the day, caring for someone's financial resources is a serious job, and one that we do not take lightly. It is a core belief of ours that caring for a client the way we would care for ourselves is of the utmost importance and should be required for all financial service companies. Now and forever, you can expect us to deliver a fiduciary model for all clients.